At Hartog & Bikker we strive constantly to find methods of working optimally and more efficiently. We are forward-thinking and always on the look-out for new ways to innovate, both on the road and in the warehouse.
The majority of our warehouses are equipped with automatic loading and unloading belts, in addition to standard docks. Using these systems, trucks can load and unload more quickly, and forklift movements and damages are minimalized. This also removes another link in the logistical chain, meaning that vehicle waiting time can be avoided.
H&B Logistics has a modern Logistics Centre in Den Bosch. With 55,000 m2 unsegmented floor space and 2.3 million pallet movements per year, the Logistics Centre Den Bosch (LCDB) is the ultimate design for volume logistics. The Centre makes use of 20 laser-guided, unmanned forklifts (LGVs), and automatic loading and unloading systems. The warehouse operates 24/7, supplying our clients’ production lines with wrapping and packaging materials, and receiving returned product. From here, distribution to end customers also takes place.
H&B Logistics also offers sorting solutions for the drinks industry. In today’s retail and catering sectors, variety in product ranges is becoming ever greater and more important. Because of this, ever more dirty packaging and containers are being returned. H&B Logistics can offer fully automatic sorting, on either crate or bottle level. At our Den Bosch location, we operate a crate-sorting installation with a capacity of 50,000 crates per day.
A large number of our combinations is fitted with a roof lift system, enabling higher loads to be carried.
On various routes, we use Eco-Combi vehicles (LHVs). With these, volumes of up to 42 block pallets or 52 Euro pallets can be transported. Development and manufacture of important parts (such as dollies) generally take place under the direction of our own workshop in Vuren.
For some specific transport solutions, trailers fitted with conveyor belts are used. This facilitates automatic loading and unloading to and from loading and unloading belts in warehouses, and minimalizes forklift movements and therefore damages. The loading and unloading time for a full load is a mere twelve minutes.
Currently in development: an Eco-Combi (LHV) with a conveyor belt system which can load or unload between the front vehicle and the trailer.